Indietro Avvio di procedure concertativo-negoziali per la ricognizione di proposte progettuali in ambito ferroviario

Si è verificato un errore nell'elaborarazione del modello.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> expandoBridge.getAttribute("dlFolderID")  [in template "33878" at line 197, column 28]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: idFolder = expandoBridge.getAttribute...  [in template "33878" in macro "printMediaGallery" at line 197, column 17]
	- Reached through: @printMediaGallery items=parentStruct...  [in template "33201#33237#179397" at line 143, column 21]
1<#-- Chiave del template globale "Utils" --> 
2<#assign pathNewsList = "elenco-bandi"> 
3<#include "${templatesPath}/33878" /> 
5<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") /> 
6<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService") /> 
7<#assign vocabularyService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyLocalService")> 
8<#assign AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("")> 
9<#assign currentArticle = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(groupId, .vars['reserved-article-id'].data) /> 
10<#assign currentArticleAssetEntry = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle", currentArticle.getResourcePrimKey()) /> 
12<!-- VERIFICATE --> 
13<#assign title = .vars['reserved-article-title'].data /> 
14<#assign urlTitle = .vars['reserved-article-url-title'].data /> 
15<#assign date = .vars['reserved-article-display-date'].data> 
16<#assign dateTimeFormat = "dd MMMM yyyy"> 
17<#assign articleURL = themeDisplay.getURLPortal() + themeDisplay.getScopeGroup().getPathFriendlyURL(false, themeDisplay) + themeDisplay.getScopeGroup().getFriendlyURL() + "/-/" + urlTitle /> 
19<!-- DA VERIFICARE --> 
20<#setting locale = localeUtil.getDefault()> 
21<#assign notizieLandingPage = "#"> 
22<#if themeDisplay.getThemeSetting("notizie-landing-page")?has_content> 
23    <#assign notizieLandingPage = themeDisplay.getThemeSetting("notizie-landing-page")> 
26<div class="container"> 
27	<div class="row notizia"> 
28		<div class="col-md-8"> 
29			<div class="row"> 
30				<div class="col"> 
31					<h2 class="h1">${title}</h2> 
32        			<#if parentStructure.Sottotitolo.getData()?has_content> 
33        				<h2>${parentStructure.Sottotitolo.getData()}</h2> 
34        			</#if> 
36        			<#assign fromDate_Data = getterUtil.getString(fromDate.getData())> 
37        			<#assign toDate_Data = getterUtil.getString(toDate.getData())> 
40        			<#if validator.isNotNull(fromDate_Data) || validator.isNotNull(toDate_Data) > 
41            			<h3>Quando partecipare</h3> 
42            			<div class="date-bando"> 
43                			<#if validator.isNotNull(fromDate_Data)> 
44                			    <#assign fromDate_DateObj = dateUtil.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd", fromDate_Data, locale)>  
45                			    dal <strong>${fromDate_Data?datetime("yyyy-MM-dd")?string(dateTimeFormat)} 
46                			    <#assign fromDate_hour = fromDate.fromHour.getData() > 
47								<#assign fromDate_minute = fromDate.fromMinute.getData() > 
48								<#if fromDate_hour?has_content && fromDate_minute?has_content && fromDate_hour !="0" && fromDate_minute!="0"> 
49									<#if fromDate_hour == "0"> 
50										<#assign fromDate_hour = fromDate_hour + 0> 
51									</#if> 
52									<#if fromDate_hour?length == 1> 
53										<#assign fromDate_hour = 0 + fromDate_hour > 
54									</#if> 
56									<#if fromDate_minute == "0"> 
57										<#assign fromDate_minute = fromDate_minute + 0> 
58									</#if> 
59									<#if fromDate_minute?length == 1> 
60										<#assign fromDate_minute = 0 + fromDate_minute > 
61									</#if> 
62                			        - ${fromDate_hour}:${fromDate_minute} 
63                			    </#if></strong> 
64            			    </#if> 
65            			    <br /> 
66                			<#if validator.isNotNull(toDate_Data)> 
67                			    <#assign toDate_DateObj = dateUtil.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd", toDate_Data, locale)> 
68								<#assign toDate_hour = toDate.toHour.getData() > 
69								<#assign toDate_minute = toDate.toMinute.getData() > 
70                			    al <strong>${toDate_Data?datetime("yyyy-MM-dd")?string(dateTimeFormat)} 
72								<#if toDate_hour?has_content && toDate_minute?has_content && toDate_hour !="0" && toDate_minute!="0">  
73									<#if toDate_hour == "0"> 
74										<#assign toDate_hour = toDate_hour + 0> 
75									</#if> 
76									<#if toDate_hour?length == 1> 
77										<#assign toDate_hour = 0 + toDate_hour > 
78									</#if> 
80									<#if toDate_minute == "0"> 
81										<#assign toDate_minute = toDate_minute + 0> 
82									</#if> 
83									<#if toDate_minute?length == 1> 
84										<#assign toDate_minute = 0 + toDate_minute > 
85									</#if> 
86								    - ${toDate_hour}:${toDate_minute} 
87                			    </#if></strong> 
88            			    </#if> 
89        			    </div> 
90        	        </#if> 
91				</div> 
92			</div> 
93			<#if parentStructure.TestoNotizia?has_content> 
94    			<div class="row"> 
95    				<div class="col"> 
96        				<#if  
97        				    parentStructure.principalImage?? && 
98        				    parentStructure.principalImage.getData()?? && 
99        				    parentStructure.principalImage.getData()?has_content && 
100        				    parentStructure.principalImage.getData() != "" && 
101            				parentStructure.showImage.getData()?has_content &&  
102            				parentStructure.showImage.getData() != "hide"> 
104            				<#assign class = "full-width-img" /> 
105            				<#if parentStructure.showImage.getData() == "float"> 
106            				    <#assign class = "float-img" /> 
107            				</#if> 
108            				<img alt="${parentStructure.principalImage.getAttribute("alt")}" src="${parentStructure.principalImage.getData()}" class="${class}" /> 
109        				</#if> 
110						<div class="news-description"> 
111    						${parentStructure.TestoNotizia.getData()} 
112						</div> 
113    				</div> 
114    			</div> 
115			</#if> 
116		</div> 
118		<div class="col-md-4"> 
119			<div class="row"> 
120			    <div class="d-none d-md-block"> 
121                    <@printSocialBlock title=title url=articleURL /> 
122                </div> 
123			</div> 
124            <#if groupItemHasContent(parentStructure.newsAttachmentFieldSet.newsAttachment)> 
125    			<div class="row"> 
126    			    <div class="col-12 documents-news"> 
127                        <div class="news-document-block"> 
128                            <h3 class="d-none d-md-block">Documenti</h3> 
129                            <@printDocumentList 
130                                documentList=parentStructure.newsAttachmentFieldSet.newsAttachment 
131                                documentTitleChildrenName="newsAttachmentTitle" 
132                                documentDescriptionChildrenName="newsAttachmentDescription" 
133                                printIcons = true /> 
134                        </div> 
135        			</div> 
136    			</div> 
137            </#if> 
138		</div> 
139	</div> 
141	<div class="row"> 
142	    <div class="col-md-8"> 
143		    <@printMediaGallery  
144			    items=parentStructure.sliderVideoContent 
145			    fieldImageName="sliderImageContent" 
146            /> 
147		</div> 
148    </div> 
151    <div class="row"> 
152        <div class="col-8"> 
153        	<#list currentArticleAssetEntry.getCategories() as category> 
154            	<#assign badgeClass = "grigio"> 
155               	<#assign categoryVocabulary =  vocabularyService.getVocabulary(category['vocabularyId']?number)['name']> 
156			<#if categoryVocabulary=="Aree Tematiche"> 
157            	        	<#assign badgeClass = AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.getCategoryProperty(category['categoryId']?number, 'css_class')['value'] > 
158            	    	</#if> 
160            		<a class="link-badge" href="/${themeDisplay.getLocale()?substring(0, 2)}/web${themeDisplay.getScopeGroup()['friendlyURL']}/${pathNewsList}?p_r_p_categoryId=${category['categoryId']}"> 
161            			<span class="badge badge-${badgeClass}"> 
162            			    ${category.getTitle(locale)} 
163            			</span> 
164            		</a> 
165            </#list> 
166		</div> 
167	</div> 
169    <div class="row"> 
170    	<div class="col-12 data-news"> 
171    		<p>Pubblicato il ${date?datetime("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z")?string(dateTimeFormat)}</p> 
172    	</div> 
173    </div> 